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The Joyce Lee Method of Scientific Facial Exercises

The Joyce Lee Method of Scientific Facial Exercises

by Joyce Lee

Joyce Eve Lee Cosmetics, Inc. Beverly Hills, CA, 1965

Rid yourself of those wrinkles, crow's feet, bags, droopy eyelids, flabby neck or distended cords, or any other facial fault you've acquired over the years.

Here's the beautiful Joyce Lee herself at the young age of 51. A few facial exercises, some sanding and liquor, er, lacquer, and you'll look great too! A little makeup and airbrushing doesn't hurt, either.


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Our treasured copy is signed (with love) by Miss Joyce Lee herself.


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The first step to start the "Ten-Minute-A-Day" program of loveliness is to determine which muscles to exercise. Remember, "You are deserving of all the delights which come from this new world awaiting you. Make them yours, and let nothing swerve from your goal."


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This two page spread shows the correct motions for cleansing the face-- with Joyce Lee Exercise Cream, of course. It's important when cleansing the face, to carefully avoid your eye and lip makeup. Improperly done, IT CAN CAUSE GREAT HARM.


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To remove the horrid hollows in the center of your cheek, first spread a thick layer of Joyce Lee Exercise Cream to face and neck (carefully avoiding eye and lip makeup), then put your thumbs inside your mouth and push out. Also relax jaw.


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Men can improve their looks too! To eliminate wrinkles and tighten area under eyes, first tape the forehead. Then apply a thick layer of Joyce Lee Exercise Cream. "Look up" into the mirror so the whites at the bottom of your eyes show. Do not move from this position.


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Your own actions and emotions cause lines to form on your face. These photos illustrate the incorrect and correct ways of applying mascara and laughing. Note: NEVER apply mascara while laughing.


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Stuck inside the back cover of this useful volume is a little catalog of Joyce Lee Products. You need never run out of Pre-Exercise Cream, Exercise Cream, and Exercise Cream Remover. Also available: Slumber Cream, and Scowl Remover (for only $7.50).


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